Publications du CNR en 2012

Ahuja, S. D., Ashkin, D., Avendano, M., Banerjee, R., Bauer, M., Bayona, J. N., Becerra, M. C., Benedetti, A., Burgos, M., Centis, R., Chan, E. D., Chiang, C.-Y., Cox, H., D’Ambrosio, L., DeRiemer, K., Dung, N. H., Enarson, D., Falzon, D., Flanagan, K., Flood, J., Garcia-Garcia, M. L., Gandhi, N., Granich, R. M., Hollm-Delgado, M. G., Holtz, T. H., Iseman, M. D., Jarlsberg, L. G., Keshavjee, S., Kim, H.-R., Koh, W.-J., Lancaster, J., Lange, C., Lange, W. C. M. de, Leimane, V., Leung, C. C., Li, J., Menzies, D., Migliori, G. B., Mishustin, S. P., Mitnick, C. D., Narita, M., O’Riordan, P., Pai, M., Palmero, D., Park, S., Pasvol, G., Peña, J., Pérez-Guzmán, C., Quelapio, M. I. D., Ponce-de-Leon, A., Riekstina, V., Robert, J., Royce, S., Schaaf, H. S., Seung, K. J., Shah, L., Shim, T. S., Shin, S. S., Shiraishi, Y., Sifuentes-Osornio, J., Sotgiu, G., Strand, M. J., Tabarsi, P., Tupasi, T. E., Altena, R. van, Walt, M. V. der, Werf, T. S. V. der, Vargas, M. H., Viiklepp, P., Westenhouse, J., Yew, W. W. and Yim, J.-J. (2012). Multidrug Resistant Pulmonary Tuberculosis Treatment Regimens and Patient Outcomes: An Individual Patient Data Meta-analysis of 9,153 Patients. PLOS Med 9, e1001300,
Andréjak, C., Veziris, N., Lescure, X., Cadranel, J. and Jounieaux, V. (2012). Essai CaMoMy : évaluation de la capacité de deux schémas thérapeutiques (Clarithromycine ou Moxifloxacine) à négativer les cultures à six mois de malades porteurs d’une infection pulmonaire à Mycobacterium xenopi. PHRC national 2010. Revue des Maladies Respiratoires 29, Supplement 1, A25,
Bernard, C., Sougakoff, W., Fournier, A., Larnaudie, S., Antoun, F., Robert, J., Brossier, F., Truffot-Pernot, C., Jarlier, V. and Veziris, N. (2012). Impact of a 14-year screening programme on tuberculosis transmission among the homeless in Paris. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 16, 649–655,
Broutin, V., Bañuls, A.-L., Aubry, A., Keck, N., Choisy, M., Bernardet, J.-F., Michel, C., Raymond, J.-C., Libert, C., Barnaud, A., Stragier, P., Portaels, F., Terru, D., Belon, C., Dereure, O., Gutierrez, C., Boschiroli, M.-L., Perre, P. V. D., Cambau, E. and Godreuil, S. (2012). Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of Mycobacterium marinum: New Insights into Host and Environmental Specificities. J Clin Microbiol 50, 3627–3634,
Bussone, G., Brossier, F., Roudiere, L., Bille, E., Sekkal, N., Charlier, C., Gilquin, J., Lanternier, F., Lecuit, M., Lortholary, O. and Catherinot, E. (2012). Recurrent Mycobacterium avium infection after seven years of latency in a HIV-infected patient receiving efficient antiretroviral therapy. Journal of Infection 64, 613–617,
Cambau, E., Chauffour-Nevejans, A., Tejmar-Kolar, L., Matsuoka, M. and Jarlier, V. (2012). Detection of Antibiotic Resistance in Leprosy Using GenoType LepraeDR, a Novel Ready-To-Use Molecular Test. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 6, e1739,
Cosson, M.-A., Bertrand, J.-B., Martin, C., Veziris, N., Picard, C., Goulvestre, C., Coignard, S., Benoit, J.-P., Silvera, S., Moro, M.-R., Poyart, C. and Morand, P. C. (2012). Temporal interferon-gamma release response to Mycobacterium kansasii infection in an anorexia nervosa patient. J Med Microbiol 61, 1617–1620,
Darmon, A., Piton, J., Roué, M., Petrella, S., Aubry, A. and Mayer, C. (2012). Purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic studies of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis DNA gyrase CTD. Acta Crystallogr Sect F Struct Biol Cryst Commun 68, 178–180,
de Beer, J. L., Kremer, K., Ködmön, C., Supply, P., Soolingen, D. van and 2009, the G. N. for the M. S. of T. (2012). First Worldwide Proficiency Study on Variable-Number Tandem-Repeat Typing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex Strains. J Clin Microbiol 50, 662–669,
Dutilh, J., Caron, F., Bourgoin, A., Veziris, N. and Meurice, J.-C. (2012). Un cas atypique de mycobactérie. Revue des Maladies Respiratoires 29, 1182,
Fillion, A. and Veziris, N. (2012). Évaluation de l’efficacité de la moxifloxacine dans le traitement des tuberculoses à bacilles résistants à l’ofloxacine. Revue des Maladies Respiratoires 29, Supplement 1, A12,
Laboratoire de bactériologie et d’hygiène, hôpital la Pitié-Salpêtrière, AP-HP, FRA, CNR des mycobactéries et de la résistance des mycobactéries aux antituberculeux, FRA, Laboratoire de bactériologie et d’hygiène, EA 1541/ER5, université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie, FRA, Ces 2 auteurs ont contribué à part égale à la rédaction du manuscrit, FRA, A, F., A, P., N, V. and A, A. (2012). Place des fluoroquinolones dans le traitement des tuberculoses à bacilles résistants : La tuberculose en 2012. La Lettre du pneumologue 15, 12–16, URL:
Legout, L., Ettahar, N., Massongo, M., Veziris, N., Ajana, F., Beltrand, E. and Senneville, E. (2012). Osteomyelitis of the wrist caused by Mycobacterium arupense in an immunocompetent patient: a unique case. Int J Infect Dis 16, e761-762,
Lhuillier, E., Brugière, O., Veziris, N., Danel, C., Mourvilliers, B., Mal, H., Dauriat, G. and Ruimy, R. (2012). Relapsing Mycobacterium genavense infection as a cause of late death in a lung transplant recipient: case report and review of the literature. Exp Clin Transplant 10, 618–620,
Maruri, F., Sterling, T. R., Kaiga, A. W., Blackman, A., Heijden, Y. F. van der, Mayer, C., Cambau, E. and Aubry, A. (2012). A systematic review of gyrase mutations associated with fluoroquinolone-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis and a proposed gyrase numbering system. J Antimicrob Chemother 67, 819–831,
Meyssonnier, V., Veziris, N., Bastian, S., Texier-Maugein, J., Jarlier, V. and Robert, J. (2012). Increase in primary drug resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in younger birth cohorts in France. Journal of Infection 64, 589–595,
Meyssonnier, V., Guihot, A., Chevet, K., Veziris, N., Assoumou, L., Bourgarit, A., Costagliola, D., Caumes, E. and Carcelin, G. (2012). Performance of Quantiferon® for the diagnosis TB. Médecine et Maladies Infectieuses 42, 579–584,
Nessar, R., Cambau, E., Reyrat, J. M., Murray, A. and Gicquel, B. (2012). Mycobacterium abscessus: a new antibiotic nightmare. J Antimicrob Chemother 67, 810–818,
Pantel, A., Petrella, S., Veziris, N., Brossier, F., Bastian, S., Jarlier, V., Mayer, C. and Aubry, A. (2012). Extending the Definition of the GyrB Quinolone Resistance-Determining Region in Mycobacterium tuberculosis DNA Gyrase for Assessing Fluoroquinolone Resistance in M. tuberculosis. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 56, 1990–1996,
Ruf, M.-T., Schütte, D., Chauffour, A., Jarlier, V., Ji, B. and Pluschke, G. (2012). Chemotherapy-Associated Changes of Histopathological Features of Mycobacterium ulcerans Lesions in a Buruli Ulcer Mouse Model. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 56, 687–696,
Segala, E., Sougakoff, W., Nevejans-Chauffour, A., Jarlier, V. and Petrella, S. (2012). New Mutations in the Mycobacterial ATP Synthase: New Insights into the Binding of the Diarylquinoline TMC207 to the ATP Synthase C-Ring Structure. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 56, 2326–2334,
Valade, S., Raskine, L., Aout, M., Malissin, I., Brun, P., Deye, N., Baud, F. J. and Megarbane, B. (2012). Tuberculosis in the intensive care unit: A retrospective descriptive cohort study with determination of a predictive fatality score. Can J Infect Dis Med Microbiol 23, 173–178, URL: [Accessed July 2014].
Veziris, N. (2012). Diagnostic bactériologique de la tuberculose. Rev Prat 62, 490–492.
Veziris, N., Aubry, A., Robert, J., Cambau, E., Jarlier, V. and Truffot-Pernot, C. (2012). Mycobactéries. In: Antibiogramme, ESKA, pp. 663–687.
Veziris, N., Jarlier, V. and Robert, J. (2012). La résistance aux antituberculeux en France en 2009-2010. BEH 24–25, 291–293, URL: